Wednesday, 14 October 2009

The Process of Designing My School Magazine Cover

In this PowerPoint presentation I have included the process of how I designed my magazine cover this contains my magazine cover layout, a selection of the images from my main image photo shoot, an explanation to why I chose the image I did and a step by step breakdown of my editing process.

Comparisons of school magazines

Above I have analyised two school magazine covers.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Cloning Tool

For this task we were told to use the cloning tool on photoshop to eddit out the St. Marylebone sign up the side of the building on the picture shown above.
By pressing the Alt key whilst the mouse is carefully placed over a specific area you can begin to clone your chosen area.
I found that I got the best results by cloning out the sign using a small brush and once I had done this i used one of the larger brushes to clone out any shading that made the edditing obvious.
This is the photograph after I have eddited out the sign...

Monday, 5 October 2009

Colour Filtering

Whilst learning some photoshop skills we eddited one of our own photo's to make it look like a professional adervitsement.
We used a photograph with a white background and added a colour filter as well as a high street logo.

Magazine Cover Layout

We learnt about new codes and conventions for magazines and I have demonstrated my understanding by labeling a popular magazine cover bellow...